AI Robot Design with AR Coding - Advanced

Innovate with AI and AR Coding

Presented by Camp Integem

Editor's Pick

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Young AI Robotics Engineers will dive into a world of innovation at the 3-Week Advanced AI-Robot Design & AR Coding Camp. Students will learn with their own grade level group: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Students in grades 6-12 will receive NVIDIA AI certification upon successful completion of the camp.This camp is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC).No prior computer or robotics knowledge is needed. Students will progress from beginner to advanced level over the three-week program.Fun outdoor and indoor activities and plays are part of the camp experience.Imagine a system where, being able to teleport to any place in the universe, from the uncharted depths of the ocean to the furthest corners of the galaxy, overseeing robots that can intelligently sense, interact, and achieve remarkable feats. This vision encapsulates the magical synergy between AI, robotic engineering, and holographic AR, where technology transcends boundaries.The hardware for robots will be provided in the camp for each student.Utilizing Holographic AR, students will have the ability to launch their robots remotely and 'teleport' into the robotics world, bridging the physical and digital realms in a novel and engaging way.Students will learn robotics mechanics and sensors, robotics engineering control, robotics programming, AI, AR coding and design, Design Thinking process based on the Stanford Univ. Design School curriculum, user interface/user experience (UI/UX), interactive storytelling and more with following modules:Part 1. Introduction to Robotics MechanicsPart 2. Introduction to Robotics Motor ControlsPart 3. Introduction to Robotics CodingPart 4. Introduction to Robotics System DesignPart 5. Introduction to AR CodingPart 6. Introduction to Robotics SensorsPart 7. Introduction to Robotics Sensor Controls and ProgrammingPart 8. Interactive AR Coding for Robotics Sensor ControlsPart 9. Intro to AIPart 10. Intro to AI-Based Robotics ControlPart 11. Interactive AR coding with AI and RoboticsPart 12. Design Your Own AI-Based Robotics ControlWhat is the magic of the 3-Week AI Robotics Engineering & Advanced AR Coding Camp over traditional Robotics camps?The 3-Week AI Robotics Engineering & Advanced AR Coding Camp combines artificial intelligence (AI), robotics engineering, and holographic augmented reality (AR) in a unique educational setting. This camp builds on traditional robotics curricula by weaving in AI, offering students a multifaceted and engaging learning experience. Here are its distinct features: AI Integration in Robotics: The camp introduces AI in the context of robotics, allowing students to explore AI-based robotics control. This integration helps learners grasp how AI can enhance the capabilities of robots, providing a contemporary look at the future of smart machines. Hands on Learning with the state-of-the art technology: Each week, students engage with progressively advanced robotics hardware. Beginning with a basic smart robot and culminating in AI-integrated robots, this approach ensures deep understanding and hands-on skills in both robotics and AI. Use Holographic AR to Teleport into Robotics World: With Holographic AR technology, the camp takes robotics to a next level. Students can launch and operate their robots remotely. They teleport into the remote world where robots perform tasks in hazardous environments while the students stay safely at home. Through Holographic AR, they can teleport into the robot world, gaining a unique perspective by remotely controlling their robots in these immersive environments. Wide-ranging Curriculum with Interactive Modules: Covering everything from the basics of robotics mechanics to AI integration, the curriculum is broad and interactive, ensuring students gain a well-rounded understanding of advanced robotics and AI. Emphasis on Creative and Innovative Thinking: Aligned with the Stanford University Design School Curriculum, the camp encourages design thinking and innovation. Students are tasked with creating their own AI-based robotics control projects, fostering skills like critical thinking and problem-solving. In summary, the 3-Week AI Robotics Engineering and Advanced AR Coding Camp is a comprehensive and engaging program that merges AI, robotics, and AR, offering students a unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge technologies in a thoughtful and structured environment.What students will learn:•Introduction to AI •Introduction to NVIDIA Jetson Nano (Grades 6-12)•AI-based Robotics Design • Advanced Holographic AR concepts • Advanced Holographic AR logic • Advanced Holographic AR coding •UI/UX (user interface/user experience) • Advanced Robotics Engineering • Advanced Robotics Coding • Advanced visual communication •Interactive storytelling •Debugging and Problem-solving • Advanced Robotics Coding and Design •Design Thinking process based on Stanford University Design School curriculum ******************************Robotics Camp Safety Note: Mandatory Requirements for ParticipationPrioritizing Health and Safety: At our Robotics camp, ensuring the safety of each student is paramount. Given the nature of the activities and the diverse needs of our participants, we have established essential safety requirements: Handling Components with Care: All students are required to handle small parts with both hands, ensuring control and safety. It is mandatory to avoid putting any parts in the mouth. This is a strict requirement due to choking hazards and health concerns. Mandatory Adherence to Instructions: To maintain a safe and productive learning environment, it is essential that students follow the teacher's instructions at all times. This is not just for their own safety, but also for the safety of others in the class. Appropriate Behavior with Components: Students must handle all robotics components with care to prevent any damage or injury. Actions such as throwing parts are strictly prohibited and could lead to immediate removal from the camp. Important for Parents/Guardians: Please evaluate whether your child can safely adhere to these safety requirements. This is especially crucial if your may need additional support or accommodation. Our teachers strive to provide individual attention, but it is not possible to monitor each student every second. If you have concerns about your child's ability to adhere to these safety requirements, please contact us to discuss further.Adherence to these rules is non-negotiable and crucial for ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all participants. We are committed to creating a stimulating, educational, and safe environment, fostering a passion for technology and innovation.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in creating a safe learning space for all.Special Offer: Register today to receive a one-year Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription & Adobe AI featured EXPRESS Premier Suite (valued at $240) while supplies last!


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