Intro to Spanish

Playful Introduction to a Beautiful Language

Presented by Campbell Recreation & Community Services


Officially recognized by the local government

Little Learners will provide a fun and enriching introduction to Spanish with an emphasis on developing social and play skills through activities such as games, songs, finger-plays, stories and art. Classes are two hours long and meet once a week.

Children must be 3 years old by October 1st. Children must be potty trained.

Please send your child with a snack, water bottle in a backpack or bag. Label everything. No nuts of any kind.

Age Override - An age override may be available on a case-by-case basis. If your child does not meet the age requirement, please email [email protected] during your registration window to request an age override. Include your child's full name, date of birth, and the class(es) you are interested in.

Upcoming Sessions

10/24/24 TH/F 9:15AM (7500.22)
Thu-Fri, 9:15a-11:15a
Campbell Community Center

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