Baby Sign Language Introductory Workshop - Virtual

Enhance Communication Skills Early

Presented by City of Pittsburg


Officially recognized by the local government

Baby Sign Language Introductory Workshop - VIRTUAL (One 90-Minute Session)
Baby Sign Language gives babies the opportunity to communicate long before they can verbalize their wants and needs. Signing with babies accelerates language acquisition, reduces frustration, enhances a child's self esteem, and deepens the bond between parent and child. Fun activities and songs will show how easy it can be to integrate more than 20 signs into your everyday routine and jump-start your child’s verbal skills. Babies are welcome but not required to attend. This 90-minute Introductory Workshop may be followed by the six-week series with themes like mealtime, animals, colors, family, bedtime, and more! Expectant parents and parents with babies from birth to 24 months.
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Baby Sign Language Six-Day - VIRTUAL   (Six 1-Hour Sessions)


The Introductory Workshop is followed by our Six-Day Series. Build your signing vocabulary with themes like mealtime signs, colors, animals, family, bedtime, and more! Eighteen sessions are split into three different six-day series named after the primary colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue. No need to take them in order. Just dive in and start learning now. We sing songs, read and sign popular board books, like Brown Bear Brown Bear and Goodnight Moon, and share valuable tips to help your baby learn more than 100+ signs! Older siblings and even grandparents love the classes. It's a wonderful way to virtually stay in touch with your extended family every week. Birth to 24 months.
For FAQs and more details visit

Benefits of Baby Sign Language

 • Accelerates language acquisition.   Research studies have found that signing babies normally begin to speak earlier and have larger vocabularies than non-signing babies.

 • Provides a parent with the wonderful opportunity to develop a window into their child's mind.  By including signs in daily activities, parents spend less time guessing what children want and more time fulfilling their specific needs.

 • Teaches a simple language that allows babies to easily express their immediate desires and needs, significantly lowering frustration levels for everyone.

 • Allows babies to lead the conversation about topics that interest them.  When a parent then verbalizes the sign, it fortifies a baby’s expanding vocabulary.

 • Utilizes more diverse areas of the brain for communication.  Rather than language being processed solely through auditory pathways, signing adds visual and kinesthetic emphasis to a child’s auditory input.

 • Gives babies a sense of control when they know that those around them not only hear them but understand them.  This greatly enhances a child’s self esteem and emotional stability.

 • Helps parents and health care providers localize pain and identify medical conditions. 

 • Enables children to express their fears or concerns.

 • Decreases aggressive behavior such as biting, hitting, and excessive noise in preschool and elementary school programs.

 • Increases a child’s interest in reading.

 • Builds an iconic bridge between two languages in a bilingual family.  For example, the same signs can be used for words spoken in English or Spanish.  Knowing a sign for a word helps a child recognize the same word spoken in other languages.

• May actually improve a child's IQ.  Research studies have followed signing babies as they mature.  At eight years old, these children scored, on average, 12 points higher in IQ testing than a control group of non-signing eight year olds.   The signers had a mean IQ of 114 (75th percentile) versus the non-signers’ mean score of 102 (53rd percentile).  The study was designed to equalize socioeconomic factors between the two groups.


When should I start signing with my baby?

Start Now. You’ll hear six to eight months old is an optimal time to start signing with your baby. After babies are six months old, they are starting to associate language, whether spoken or gestured, with the world around them. Their long-term memory is developmentally ready to retain the signs they see. At six months of age babies’ motor skills and hand-eye coordination are at a stage to be able to make more precise gestures. Having said this, it’s perfectly fine to start earlier than six months old. That way you will be ready with a solid signing vocabulary when your baby is six months old! Start building your baby sign language skills today. And there’s this; We’ve found the younger your baby is the easier it is for you to pay attention in class!

If you start signing regularly to babies when they're under seven months of age you can reasonably expect them to sign back when they’re between eight and ten months old. It really depends on how often you sign with them and it also depends on your baby’s personal agenda. Yes, every baby has their own agenda and, much like their first step or the day they are potty trained, they ultimately are the ones that decide when they are ready to start signing.

Older babies and toddlers will often catch on more quickly because they’re developmentally at that stage where they enjoy imitating mommy and daddy, and they will use gestures to communicate. Don’t be surprised if you see them signing back to you within a week or so! 




Upcoming Sessions

VIRTUAL Introductory Workshop - $30 Tuesday September 17, 2024
Tue, 8p-9:30p

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