Website Designing - JavaScript

Create Dynamic Web Content with JavaScript

Presented by Futurebytes LLC
Note: Register through our website for the exact activity hero schedules using the link for a $15 discount.Course Description:JavaScript is used by programmers across the world to create dynamic and interactive web content like applications and browsers. JavaScript is so popular that it's the most used programming language in the world, used as a client-side programming language by 97.0% of all websites. Client-side languages are those whose action takes place on the user's computer, rather than on the server.JavaScript is versatile enough to be used for a variety of different applications, like software, hardware controls, and servers. JavaScript is most known for being a web-based language because it's native to the web browser. The web browser can naturally understand the language, like how a native English speaker can naturally understand English. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of JavaScript programming and the necessary tools for website development. Students will be taught how to use variables, lists, objects, functions, classes, and constructors to gain proficiency in JavaScript. Students will then learn how to apply their skills to develop a fully functional website using JavaScript with tools such as HTML and CSS. Outcomes: Coding, HTML and CSS, Website Development.Note: Register through our website for the exact activity hero schedules using the link for a $15 discount.


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