Science Sewing Building - Makerz Camp

Discover Sound with Music and Science

Presented by Maker Studio Kidz

Editor's Pick

Hand-picked by our editors


Do you hear that? We’re calling all sound scientists!

Sound is one of the most important human senses, yet we don’t often think about how it works!

Let’s put our scientific method to the test by experimenting with and discovering the fundamentals of sound!

Camp Sessions:

Science of Sound: Make Some Noise!

Date: 4/8-4/12

Location: MSK

Program cost: $135/day-$600/week

In this amazing 5-day camp, we’ll uncover the Science of Sound by learning about musical machines, animal senses, sound vibrations, human biology, and more!

This camp is perfect for children who are music aficionados, curious, and looking to delve deeper into both science and music.

As a special treat, we will be going on a field trip to learn from musical experts! While details are still in the works, this incredible experience will be hosted at either SF Jazz or the SF Symphony!

Join us in this fun packed adventure!

Monday 4/8:

We’ll band together to understand the science behind how sound moves through air, as well as look within to discover how human hearing and speech works! We all have different needs, so let’s support each other by learning about how differently abled people perceive sound!

Tuesday 4/9:

We will explore different environments and how sound moves in them: from the icy ocean depths to the thin mountain air! We will also delve into the biology of the animals that live in these habitats, and how they use sound as super senses!

Wednesday 4/10:

It’s time to learn about string, wind, and percussion instruments! After consulting with the pros during our field trip, let’s experiment and understand how classic instruments such as the guitar, trumpet, and drums make their sound!

Thursday 4/11:

Testing, testing…We’ll put our knowledge to the test by starting to design our own noisemakers! This is when we learn about pitch, length, and rhythm!

Friday 4/12:

Let’s go out with a bang! We’ll put our heads together to become the best musical group yet! We’ll have a chance to record and share our music with the instruments we’ve created!

Sample Class Format

Morning (9:00-11:30)

  • Student and teacher introductions, go over expectations and projects for the day
  • Large project #1, broken up with a snack break
  • Pre-lunch cleanup

Lunch at the playground! (11:30-12:30)

Afternoon (12:30-3:00)

  • Large project #2
  • Quick cleanup
  • Small project
  • Large project #3
  • End of day cleanup

This itinerary is subject to small changes depending on the size of the projects we run each day. We aim for all camp days to include a minimum of 4 projects plus 1 hour of outdoor time to keep our students engaged mentally, physically, and creatively!

What To bring

  • Please pack lunch and a snack, as well as relevant outdoor gear for lunchtime (jackets, hats, sunscreen)

In the case of rain, we will break into groups and eat lunch inside. Depending on the severity of the rain we may still take a walk for some outdoor time, so please bring weather appropriate clothing. If we can't go outside at all, we'll play games and do stretching and movement activities.

  • If your child is staying for aftercare, we recommend packing an additional snack.

Drop off/pick-up available


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