Elementary Art - Creative Lessons - Young Rembrandts

Ignite Your Child's Imagination

Presented by Milpitas Recreation and Community Services

Editor's Pick

Hand-picked by our editors


Officially recognized by the local government

Your elementary student's creativity will flourish this fall with new lessons from Young Rembrandts. From mastering Still Life drawings to spinning the Watch Color Wheel, their art and learning skills will bloom. They'll adore our seasonal specials, including Cartoon Style Chilly Faces and graphic Candy Canes. A treasure trove of artistic adventures awaits in the Young Rembrandts' classroom. Don't let your child miss out. Sign up now and watch their imagination take flight!

Please Note:
- Participants should wear comfortable clothing.
- Participants should bring a bottle of water and nut-free snacks.

Upcoming Sessions

Elementary Art Learners
Tue, 4:30p-5:30p

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