Paper Monsters - Yarning - Creative Workshop

Discover playful creativity through paper and yarn

Presented by Palo Alto City Library

Join CASP (Cubberley Artist Studio Program) artist residents Nina Ekman and Sang-ah Choi in a creative workshop for youth where we will  explore color and rhythm with paper and yarn.

In this workshop, children will engage with soft, linear elements of colorful yarns alongside structural, three-dimensional paper forms. Through spontaneous exploration, they will delve into their playful imagination to uncover their own "monstrous mysteries of creation." Participants will practice cutting, tying, gluing and embroidery skills as part of the creative process. 

Registration required. 
Recommended for ages 9-13. 

Nina K. Ekman, a Norwegian-born artist, is known for her textile creations, from tufted sculptures to installations. Her global exhibitions, including the Beijing International Fiber Art Biennale, showcase her talent, alongside recognition such as being a finalist in the 2021 Luxembourg Art Prize and commissions for public adornments in Denmark.

Sang-ah Choi is a Korean-born artist who works with paintings on paper, ranging from book format to large scale. Her work visually explores the vulnerability of seeing and examines the possibilities that ambiguity brings. Choi's works have been featured in solo and group shows both nationally and internationally.


Best things to do with kids this week in Palo Alto, CA (week of 5/13/2024)

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