Tiny Spotlight - Singing, Dancing, and Make-Believe - Together

Explore Creativity Through Music

Presented by Redwood City Parks, Recreation and Community Services

Editor's Pick

Hand-picked by our editors


Officially recognized by the local government

Young children and their special grownups discover the joys ofsinging, dancing, and playing make-believe together in this fun, highlyengaging class filled with multi-sensory activities that support healthydevelopment. We’ll explore sound and rhythm as we sing and danceto popular children’s songs. And we’ll stretch our imaginations as weread some of our favorite stories. Adult participation is key to helpingtoddlers gain the confidence to explore and try new things.

Adult participation is key to helping toddlers gain the confidence to explore and learn.

Visit www.sancarloschildrenstheater.com for more information.

Scroll down for important program information.

Upcoming Sessions

Tiny Spotlight
Wed, 10:30a-11:30a

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