Officially recognized by the local government
Students enrolled should be attending Kindergarten Fall 2024. There is the introduction to shapes, colors, alphabet, patterns, and numbers. Materials provided support the development of fine motor skills with scissors, writing, and art projects. Social and emotional development are promoted at circle time, free style dance, games, and mindfulness activities. In addition, supportive health care measures such as hand washing and self-care. Snack time occurs daily. This is a nut tree free environment. Please send healthy snack daily in lunchbox. $20 supply fee required.
Must be 4 years old and entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024.
A $20.00 supply fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Craft a Signature Scent
Ages 15+
Starts Sat 12/14, 12p-3p
Library Parks and Recreation Building (LPR)
South San Francisco, CA
Create a Beautiful Holiday Centerpiece
All Ages
Starts Sat 12/14, 9:30a-12p
Joseph A. Fernekes Recreation Building
South San Francisco, CA
Unlock the Secrets to a Healthy Lifestyle
Ages 16+
Starts Thu 1/9, 2p-4p
Library Parks and Recreation Building (LPR)
South San Francisco, CA