Bushcraft Camp - Stevens Creek

Learn Wilderness Skills and Tool Mastery

Presented by The Riekes Center

Bushcraft is the art of utilizing tools, natural materials, and knowledge to thrive in the woods! We differentiate this camp from our survival skills camp in that this camp focuses more on “making camp” and “camp projects”.

Each day focuses on a bushcraft skill or project. Some projects that may be covered during the camp are: carving tent stakes, making a camp chair, carving a pothook, setting up a tarp using knots, setting up a tripod using lashings, building a ladder using lashing and knots, and natural shelter building. Students will also learn how to use common woods tools such as a hatchet, a saw, and a whittling knife.

In the time when students are not working on learning their bushcraft skills, we will play games, learn about nature, explore the forests and creeks, and build friendships!

Safety Alert: In this summer camp we teach students how to use carving knives (Moraknives brand) and other tools to work on projects. The Riekes Center has a Knife Safety Certification that will be taught on the first day of camp to ensure that knife use is as safe as possible. This being said, injuries can happen. All Riekes instructors are equipped with first aid kits and are CPR/First Aid certified. Our safety protocols indicate that should a student cut themselves at camp, instructors are to contact parents IF the cut needs greater treatment than can be provided by a bandaid.


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