Editor's Pick
Hand-picked by our editors
Officially recognized by the local government
New memories await when you spend your holiday or Winter Break with Gymnastics. This program offers children in grades 1-6 opportunities to socialize, explore, play, and create in a safe and supervised setting. Each camp will include games, projects and special activities. Space is limited, so sign up early!
Join us this Holiday season for a GYMtastic Wonderland Week full of deLIGHTful crafts & festive flips! This program offers children in grades 1-6 opportunities to socialize, explore, play, and create in a safe and supervised setting. Each week will include seasonal games, projects and special activities. Please send your child with a sack lunch, refillable water bottle and plenty of snacks. Space is limited, so sign up early! It'll be a jolly good time!
9:00am-4:00pm Monday
Develop Coordination and Socialize
Ages 2-3
Starts this Saturday, multiple times
Vacaville Recreation Center
Vacaville, CA
Dive into the World of Literature
Ages 12-18
Starts Thu 12/5, 4:30p-5:30p
Ulatis Community Center
Vacaville, CA
Unlock Your Inner Artist
Ages 5+
Starts Fri 1/3, multiple times
Fairmont Neighborhood Center
Vacaville, CA
Renew Your Lifesaving Skills
Ages 15-99
Starts Fri 1/3, 9a-5p
Multiple Locations
Vacaville, CA
Enrichment & Fun for Grades 1-6
Ages 5-12
Starts Mon 2/3, ending at
Sierra Vista Recreation Center
Vacaville, CA